Reception and Consultation Rooms
We have a large and spacious, welcoming reception area with a separate cat section to minimise any stress to your pet when visiting the practice.
Our consulting rooms are custom designed to be comfortable for both pet and owner, and include a dedicated room for our veterinary nurses to hold health clinics.

Surgical Suite
Forest House has two operating theatres; one is dedicated to soft tissue surgery and the other is specifically for orthopaedic surgery.
When in the theatres, all staff are suitably clothed in theatre scrubs with sterile surgical gowns and gloves as set by our own high standards.
There is a dedicated recovery area where your pet is continually monitored by a nurse until they fully recover and is able to be assisted through to the separate dog and cat wards. There is also an oxygen tent on hand for emergency use.
We use the best available anaesthetic agents and protocols in a completely controlled environment. We have state-of-the-art electronic monitoring together with one-to-one nurse care. We treat each pet individually through any procedure to ensure a comfortable recovery and convalescence.

Cat and Dog Wards
Our hospital includes spacious and comfortable wards – one for dogs and another for cats. As with other areas of the practice, these are kept scrupulously clean and disinfected.
The temperature on the wards is carefully monitored and the surgery’s air conditioning systems ensure that pets are kept as comfortable as possible during their stay.
The pets in the wards are constantly monitored by a dedicated nurse and comprehensive records are maintained for each patient.
The animals are encouraged to feel ‘at home’ and clients are invited to visit their pets in the hospital when mutually convenient.

In-house laboratory
We have invested in the most up-to-date laboratory equipment, which can rapidly analyse your pet’s blood sample giving almost instantaneous results for a very comprehensive range of tests. These tests are therefore available 24/7 and we rarely need to send samples to an outside laboratory.
Routine blood tests look at red and white blood cells and various chemicals in the blood. The lab can be used in order to monitor good health (e.g. before an anaesthetic), to diagnose disease, or to monitor the response to treatment.
Basic blood screening can identify diseases ranging from anaemia to liver and kidney disease, and from infections to problems with the immune system and diabetes. Many other more complex tests can be performed on the premises.

Electrocardiography and doppler ultrasound
This equipment is used for fully comprehensive and non-invasive assessment of all areas of the body both for diagnostics and ongoing monitoring of many conditions.
We have a very advanced ultrasound machine which enables us to visualise your pet’s internal structures very clearly.
We have also invested in three endoscopes to assist with diagnosis and treatment.

Imaging Suite
We have an on-site high intensity x-ray machine and full digital processing facilities, enabling us to take excellent radiographs of any area of your pet with the minimum exposure and risk.
We have the ability to undertake more advance radiographic techniques to assist with diagnosis and care of your pet.

Orthopaedic Equipment
Forest House Veterinary Group has in place all the equipment necessary to carry out all manner of fracture repair and joint surgery. This is carried out in the dedicated theatre.